Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Why Do They Always Want to Kill the Jews?

Spielberg Auschwitz Documentary

Auschwitz, a brand new 15-minute documentary on the history of the Nazi death camp, produced by Steven Spielberg and narrated by Meryl Streep,will be permanently installed at the Auschwitz Memorial. The documentary had its premiere yesterday, in the presence of 300 Holocaust survivors. ‪#‎PastIsPresent‬ ‪#‎Auschwitz70‬- with USC Shoah Foundation
USC Shoah Foundation
The Institute for Visual History and Education

Why Do They Always Want to Kill the Jews?

In the simplest of terms, anti-Semitism is from the devil—it’s his survival plan.

In Genesis 3:15, the gauntlet was thrown down
between the serpent and the Jewish People.

It would be the seed of the woman,” (the Messiah),
who would crush the serpent’s head.

From what people would this Messiah come?

“...salvation is from the Jews.” (John 4:22)

From generation to generation, throughout history, satan has sought to exterminate the Jews. 

In the time of Moses, he influenced Pharaoh to murder all the male babies at the time of the deliverer’s birth. 

In Esther’s day, Haman plotted to have all the Jews of Persia annihilated.

Because his fate is sealed in the Word of God, he could not—he will not— succeed. In the fullness of time, the Messiah of Israel was born. 

Yeshua (Jesus) fulfilled His days, laid down His life, overcame the grave according to prophecy, and set the captives of Hades free. He broke the power of wickedness to reign over mankind, and sealed the devil’s fate.

Yet that ancient serpent is still after the Jews, isn’t he? Why is that?

The story isn’t over. God has promised throughout His Word to preserve Israel, His People, against all odds—for His own Name’s sake.

and proves the veracity of the Bible!

When King Frederick the Great of Prussia asked his Lutheran pastor to provide him with visible proof of God’s existence

he answered with just two words: “The Jews.”

The Jews and Israel are not only in the beginning of the Bible, but their prophetic future continues to unfold right through to the New Jerusalem, with Yeshua, Son of David, Lion of of the Tribe of Judah.
If satan were to succeed in wiping out the very nation that God promised to preserve, he would prove God to be untrustworthy and a liar—and the Bible to be a book of lies.
This proclamation: “I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you...” (Genesis 12:3) is why no nation that harms the Jewish People can be blessed. As has been illustrated by the Philistines, Assyrians, Babylonians, Romans, Germany, the former Soviet Union and most stunningly, the British Empire. Almighty God will turn a destructive hand to the nation or culture who curse His Children.

And so beware of those in Christian garb who would take from the Jewish People God’s promises of a future Land and their reigning Messiah. Satan will be active to the end trying to destroy both; even as he is now by spreading through Christian ranks the damnable doctrines of Replacement Theology and Palestinian Liberation Theology. 
Neither God’s Chosen People, with their unique and special place in the Divine plan of God, nor their future King will be overcome.
It is because of this that it is entirely oxymoronic for a Christian to ever have anything to do with any form of anti-Semitism. It is anti-Godoriginating with the very enemy of God, that ancient serpent, the father of lies.

For Zion’s Sake,

Michael & Sarah Lynn

Yom HaShoah 2018

Derived from Margaret Bourke-White's famous Life Magazine 1945 photograph of the liberation of Buchenwald, George Segal's sculpture, "The Holocaust," stands in San Francisco's Legion of Honor Park, incongruously overlooking a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean.